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Create COVID-19 Tests QR Code - Guangdong

Notice: This article is only available in China. If you are outside of China, please ignore it. Our post for COVID-19 policies & tutorials are for those foreigners in China, we have another platform in WeChat to show the same information for Chinese.

To create COVID-19 QR codes, please confirm the version of YueHeSuan that the organization is using. The most common version of YueHeSuan is 5. We will take YueHeSuan 5 as an example here.

1. Open "WeChat"

2. Open "YueHeSuan 5" inside "WeChat Mini Programs"

3. Press on "受检人登录" option (The first option)

4. Press on "大规模核酸筛查" or "常规采样" depends on your situation. For massive nucleic acid checking, press on the first option, for normal sampling, press on the second option.

5. Press on "检测申请" which is apply for a test.

6. You will then see the interface shown above. Enter your information according to the instruction. The first line is your name, second line is your Chinese phone number, third line is your personal ID type, for foreigners relative to China, choose "护照" which is passport. The last line is your ID number, enter it using your information on your personal ID. After all information is entered, press on the checkbox below the lines. Then press on the grey button on the bottom.

7. Your COVID-19 test QR code will be generated after these steps. Show it to the medical personnels and do the test.

---THE END---
